Who is responsible for my drinking water?

Drinking water quality concerns are making headlines across the US. So, it’s no surprise that more people are becoming conscious of what they consume through the water they drink. The US is fortunate to be one of the countries with access to safe drinking water. While this is true, it is still important to take certain steps to ensure your family is getting the clean water you’re expecting. What should you know about the water you and your family are consuming every day?

Alamo Water Solutions Houston – Drinking Water – Water Filtration
Homes on Municipal Water
City homes are supplied with water through a water treatment facility. This water is treated in order to meet health and safety standards. After being treated, the water is sent to your house for use.
The treatment facility will remove anything that might be harmful to you and adds chemicals, like chlorine, to water. Chlorine is used to disinfect the water, protecting it from bacteria as it travels to your tap. It is important to note that once the water reaches the home, the chlorine is no longer necessary. it can cause a foul taste and smell, as well as dry out your skin.
The municipal treatment facilities do not remove hardness minerals, like calcium, because it does not affect your health when you drink it. But hard water does cause other problems within your home, like clog your plumbing, damage your appliances, and prevent soap from rinsing cleanly away from your hair and skin. The Caresoft Elite RC® is a great solution for removing chlorine and softening municipal water. It’s split tank design is a smart way to solve two problems with a single system.
Another major concern in the US is lead in city drinking water. The city does what it can to provide clean safe drinking water but it is not a fail-proof system. Lead can enter a water supply through corroded plumbing and fixtures from the city’s infrastructure or even your own home. For example, homes built prior to 1986 typically have copper plumbing that may contain lead. Once the water reaches the home, the city has no way of monitoring what comes through the tap. Lead is odorless, colorless and tasteless, causing homeowners to have no hint that it is there.
Homes on Well Water
Private wells are supplied by groundwater. Groundwater is an essential resource but it can easily become contaminated. There are many things that might be found naturally in your well water, such as iron, sulfur gas, or particles. These can be a pain to live with but are all harmless to your health. There are also contaminants to cause more concerns that can come from a number of things such as:
Gasoline and Oil
Road Salts and Chemicals
Pesticides, Fertilizers, and Other Agricultural Run-Off
Toxic Material from Hazardous Waste
Leaky Landfills
Untreated Waste from Septic Tanks
Water that is disturbed by these contaminants is unfit for human use. Well water is unregulated and is the complete responsibility of the homeowner. Homes on well water should be tested at least once a year to ensure the safety of your family’s water consumption. This can be done by contacting us today.
What can you do to ensure the quality of your family’s drinking water?
Getting your home’s water tested by a local water treatment expert is the first step to clean drinking water. You must know what is in your drinking water to find out what it needs to be treated for or if it’s necessary to treat it at all.
Once your home’s water is tested and it is determined it needs treatment, it is important to review equipment options.
Our reverse osmosis and primarily our Pioneer System, is an excellent solution to residential drinking water. Having these systems in your home guarantees pure, clean drinking water right from the tap. The systems use an innovative combination of carbon block filters and permeable membrane to remove contaminants from the water.
Our drinking water systems that are tested and certified for the reduction of:
nitrates and nitrites
chromium (hexavalent & trivalent)
cyst (cryptosporidium)
total dissolved solids (TDS)
Reverse osmosis systems are an ideal alternative to purchasing bottled water. Save money on bottled water and help reduce plastic waste. Have peace of mind that you’re getting pure clean drinking water from your tap every time.
Take the first step to ensuring your family gets the quality drinking water they need. Contact Alamo Water Solutions in Houston today at (210) 274-6122 today for your water test!
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